I'm too sick to bother spending much time on my post this week. Apologies all around.
So, here's a song about being a diamond. Islands formed from the ashes of the Unicorns, a band almost too brilliant for words. Their only album is one of my favorites of the decade. And Islands' first album, too, is amazing. You should get it if you've never listened to it. Anyway, "Rough Gem" is told from the point of view of a diamond. That's cool. I could use more songs in my life from inanimate objects.
I'm tempted to write about the Damien Hirst piece right there, but I won't. I will only tell you that George Michael was interested in buying it for, reportedly, £50 million (something on the order of $82 million). George Michael has that kind of money!? Since when did a former member of Wham! become a Saudi prince?